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About the use of the day campsite

Gongendo Park Day Camp Site Guide

Day campsite

It is a paid space where you can use a barbecue. You can not use this site without reservation.

Business hours

10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (includes clean-up time)
【Closed day】
Closed during the year-end and New Year holidays.

[During the Cherry Blossom Festival]
There is a charge for parking during the Cherry Blossom Festival.
In addition, please note that we may cancel the operation of the day camp due to the expected congestion (people and cars).

Number of sites

・Table site (12 sites):A table and chairs for 6 people are provided.
・Free site (10 sites):This is a section with only free space.

Please check the layout of the plots in the layout diagram below.

Number of users

Up to 8 people per section (elementary school students and above)
Preschool children are not included in the number of people.

Usage fee

1 section (with table): 1,500 yen (tax included) / 1 day
1 section (no table): 1,000 yen (tax included) / 1 day

Application method

・The reservation system has been updated from March 1, 2024. Please register as a user at the reservation site below.
After that, you will need to go through an identity verification procedure at the park counter, so please bring a document that can verify your identity (My Number Card, driver’s license, health insurance card, etc.) and complete the procedure at the nearest park management office.
・If you are already using the reservation service, you can use the same ID as before.
Four zeros will be automatically added in front of the four-digit password you were previously using.
For example, for abc4, it is 0000abc4.
・Priority will be given to lottery reservations starting from April reservations. For details, please see the leaflet below.


“First-come-first-served reservations” are available from the 22nd of the month preceding the month you wish to use.
・Reservations can be made on the system until 10am on the same day.
・If registration is not completed by 1:00 pm on the day of use, and you are not contacted by phone (0480-53-8787) or email (, your reservation will be canceled without prior notice and you will be subject to a penalty.

・The reservation system was scheduled to be renewed and operational from March 1, 2020, but due to a malfunction, the system that had been in operation until February will be restored and operational from March 24. Ta. ・If you are already using the reservation service, you can use the same ID as before. ・The login password will be the 4-digit password for the system used until February. Even if you changed to the new system on March 1st, please use the 4-digit password you used until February. ・The new system will be in operation from 1:00 pm on November 1, 2020. For details, please see the Saitama Prefecture homepage below. ・Please make a reservation here.
(Until October 25, 2020)
(From 1:00 p.m. on November 1, 2020)
Applications for use from Saturday, October 26th to Friday, November 1st will be accepted at the park management office counter or by phone (0480-53-8787). Please note that the venue will be closed from October 23rd to October 29th due to an event.

Precautions for use

Equipment rental

Barbecue stoves and tarps are available for rental. If you wish to use it, please make a reservation together from the “Additional Facilities” section when you reserve the use of the parcel through the prefectural reservation service. Please note that the number of rental items is limited.

Rental fee/day (tax included)
tent tarp
party shade light 300/coleman
Cool Spider Pro/L Coleman (Gridiron is not included.)
Deck chair with side table Coleman
Rattan wood style garden table 182x74x74cm
iron plate
52×31.5×3.5cm (plate thickness 6mm) / ZEOOR

※Regarding the tent tarp, the size of the compartment is limited, so please use one tent per compartment.








このころになると、堤の管理が甘くなり、天保3年(1832年)ころには、堤通りへ竹や木が植えられ雑木林の様になり、また、屋敷の様に堤を囲い、家作や荷 蔵を造作し、川岸場の便利に利用したり、作付けのための小段とその他を掘り返し、苗木を植え付けたり、野菜などの栽培もするようになりました。

この後、時代は江戸から明治へと移り変わり、明治9年6月4日に明治天皇の東北巡幸の際に築堤工事を閲覧するため、権現堂堤の上にかごを止めさせ、金100 円が下賜された。村の人々がこのお礼に、堤の名を行幸堤としたい旨を奏上し許しを得た。また巡幸を記念して、この周辺を行幸村と称するようにした。

この頃、権現堂堤周辺は、見渡す限り平野で、堤上からは西に富士山、東に筑波と眺めがよく、大正6年に刊行された後上辰雄氏によれば、権現堂堤の風光として 次のように記しています。「春は若草のしとね青きを素足に心地快くふむで、眼下一面黄金と光る油菜の花をながめながら蝶と戯れスミレ・タンポポ・ツクシ等 と摘み草に一日の暮れるのを忘れるだらう」


