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Prefectural Gongendo Park has a variety of playground equipment, facilities, and shops in four parks.

Enjoy from small playground equipment, large playground equipment to BBQ at day camp area in the middle of nature.

Ball game field

No.1 park

Available by size, full area, half size and quarter depending on the purpose, such as youth baseball, youth soccer, softball, ground golf, etc.

Large playground equipment

No.1 park

A large sailboat playground that is very popular with children. Want to play as if you were the captain ?

Multipurpose ground

No.1 park

Fully covered with grass, you don’t have to worry about falling down. Children are running around with all their might, chasing balls.

Jogging road

No.1 park

Along the multippurpose ground you can enjoy 600-meter jogging, of which 500 meters are rubber tip laying runway.

Play beat

No.2 park

The bottom is the net jumping area, and the top is the rope twisting area.
Great for training your sense of balance.

Long carbon slider

No.2 park

With a width of 4 meters, 10 people can slide 18 meters together at once!

Big mogul hill

No.2 park

Head down the hold of the upper slopes to the mogul hill below!

Play Wall

No.2 park

Gongendo Park’s original playground equipment.
Slides and others are free to use.
Please find it yourself.


No.2 park

in preparation

Day campsite 1

No.2 park

Day campsite 2

No.2 park

Day campsite 3

No.2 park

A free-use space with three washrooms. Each campsite has an average of 100 square meters or more, so you can use it very comfortably. There are 12 sites with tables with chairs, so you can use it freely, such as setting up a tarp and having a barbecue, day camping in a tent you bring in, rehearsal for overnight camping, remote office, dinner party with food, reading in chairs, etc. Please refer to the usage rules for site reservations. (Tent tarps, barbecue stoves, table, chair, iron plate rentals, and charcoal sales are also available.)


No.3 park

If you increase the range of motion of the twist from normal, you will reduce the possibility of getting a stiff waist.


No.3 park

It tells your age how many seconds you can hang.


No.3 park

Even if you usually do forward bends, you can’t do back bends. It’s quite difficult to put on your head.

Observation Hill

No.3 park

During the cherry blossom season, you can see the cherry blossom banks of No. 4 Park from the north end to the south end.

Flower bed

No.3 park

Although it is a small flower bed, we grow seasonal flowers such as pansies, lupines, zinnias, and cosmos.

Pass teahouse(shop)

No.4 park

Located almost in the center of Sakurazutsumi, it is an oasis between viewing flowers. We sell freshly baked bread, drinks, local souvenirs, etc. Please stop by for a break during your walk in the park.

Goat shed

No.4 park

Three female Yakushima goats are helping to weed the area around the hut.








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この後、時代は江戸から明治へと移り変わり、明治9年6月4日に明治天皇の東北巡幸の際に築堤工事を閲覧するため、権現堂堤の上にかごを止めさせ、金100 円が下賜された。村の人々がこのお礼に、堤の名を行幸堤としたい旨を奏上し許しを得た。また巡幸を記念して、この周辺を行幸村と称するようにした。

この頃、権現堂堤周辺は、見渡す限り平野で、堤上からは西に富士山、東に筑波と眺めがよく、大正6年に刊行された後上辰雄氏によれば、権現堂堤の風光として 次のように記しています。「春は若草のしとね青きを素足に心地快くふむで、眼下一面黄金と光る油菜の花をながめながら蝶と戯れスミレ・タンポポ・ツクシ等 と摘み草に一日の暮れるのを忘れるだらう」


