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Act permission fee

Act permission fee effective from April 1st, 2021

Thank you very much for using our park.
Regarding video shooting, since there is no provision in the act permission fee, the shooting fee was applied, but from April 1st, 2021, “(including video shooting)” was added to “movie shoot as a business”.
For movie shooting after April 1st, the revised regulations will be applied even if the usage application is accepted before March 31st.
In addition, about rate of pay facility, there is no revision.
We appreciate your understanding.

Gongendo Park Designated Manager
Non Profit Organization Satte Gongendo Sakuratsutsumi Preservation Society

Permission to act

The NPO Satte Gongendo Sakuratsutsumi Preservation Society, which is the designated manager of this park, is a qualified invoice issuing company.
Registration number:T8030005004845

*About the “※” display amount of the current charge. Among the permitted activities in the table, “sale of goods and similar activities”, “entertainment”, “competitions, exhibitions, expositions, and similar events” are calculated by multiplying the amount shown in the table by the target quantity. The amount obtained is multiplied by 110/105 to obtain the amount obtained.
*Regarding the current fees indicated with an asterisk (※), the fees listed in the table for “photography as a business” will be calculated by multiplying the fees listed in the table by 110/108.
* When the area required for the act is less than 1 square meter, or when the area has a fraction of less than 1 square meter, the fraction is rounded down.
*If a person who has an address outside the prefecture acts, add an amount equivalent to 50/100 of the amount above to each of the above amounts.
*We are exempted a fee When person corresponding to “Ordinance on Reduction of Usage Fees and Usage Fees for Public Facilities for Persons with Disabilities (1983 Saitama Prefectural Ordinance No. 8)” and “Ordinance Enforcement Regulations Concerning Reduction of Fees and Fees for Use of Public Facilities for Persons with Disabilities (1983 Saitama Prefectural Regulation No. 32)” . “Applicable person” refers to “the holder of either a physical disability certificate, a rehabilitation certificate, or a mental disability certificate and one caregiver.”
*Exemption is possible when used for projects sponsored by the national or local governments.
*When used for projects co-sponsored by the national or local governments, half of the amount shown in the table can be used.
*Exemption may be granted when used for an executive committee-sponsored project run by a local government.
*For events sponsored by schools based on the School Education Act and child welfare facilities based on the Child Welfare Act, half the amount shown in the table will be charged.
*When used for mass media (newspapers, television, radio, publications, communication information services, etc.), exemption may be granted if it is deemed to contribute to the PR of Gongendo Park.
*If the amount calculated above is less than 10 yen, the fee shall be 0 yen. In addition, when the amount is 10 yen or more, if the amount has a fraction of less than 10 yen, the fraction will be rounded down.
**Regarding “movie shooting as a business (including video shooting)” in the table, if the usage is less than 30 minutes, the fee for half a day (within 4 hours) will be divided into 8 equal parts, and the amount will be charged every 30 minutes thereafter.








このころになると、堤の管理が甘くなり、天保3年(1832年)ころには、堤通りへ竹や木が植えられ雑木林の様になり、また、屋敷の様に堤を囲い、家作や荷 蔵を造作し、川岸場の便利に利用したり、作付けのための小段とその他を掘り返し、苗木を植え付けたり、野菜などの栽培もするようになりました。

この後、時代は江戸から明治へと移り変わり、明治9年6月4日に明治天皇の東北巡幸の際に築堤工事を閲覧するため、権現堂堤の上にかごを止めさせ、金100 円が下賜された。村の人々がこのお礼に、堤の名を行幸堤としたい旨を奏上し許しを得た。また巡幸を記念して、この周辺を行幸村と称するようにした。

この頃、権現堂堤周辺は、見渡す限り平野で、堤上からは西に富士山、東に筑波と眺めがよく、大正6年に刊行された後上辰雄氏によれば、権現堂堤の風光として 次のように記しています。「春は若草のしとね青きを素足に心地快くふむで、眼下一面黄金と光る油菜の花をながめながら蝶と戯れスミレ・タンポポ・ツクシ等 と摘み草に一日の暮れるのを忘れるだらう」


