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About drone photography

about application for flight of unmanned aerial vehicles(drone)in Gongendo Park
(October 1st, 2022 enforced)

In principle, flying drones in Gongendo Park is prohibited from the perspective of ensuring the safety of park users and maintaining park facilities.
However, when taking photographs as a business, we will ask for permission to act in the park only in the following cases, and we will approve it after confirming safety. Please contact us in advance if you are considering using it.
Flying and photography for personal hobbies are not permitted and are prohibited.

Flying an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone)

Regarding the unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) to be flown, it must be a model that has obtained permission or approval from the government, or the “unmanned aerial vehicle that can omit part of the document” posted on the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Civil Aviation Bureau website Applicable model. Must be registered in the country and display the registration number. Modifications are subject to state permission or approval.

Available locations

Gongendo (No.4 Park) only.

Utilization time

It will be during the opening hours of Gongendo Park.
However, it will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. during the Cherry Blossom Festival.

Way of flight

Observe the following rules wherever you fly.

About application for park act permission

Please contact us in advance and confirm that you can fly, and then submit a park act permission application (for drones).
You can download park act permission application (for drone).

Payment of usage fee

Please pay the usage fee at the management office on the day of flight. (cash only)

In exchange, we will issue a permit and receipt.

*When a person who has an address outside the prefecture acts, the amount equivalent to 50/100 is added to the above amount.


The management office will issue a permit/receipt and give you a permit vest.
Please wear the vest and carry the permit/receipt with you during the flight.
Please be sure to return the vest to the management office after the flight.








このころになると、堤の管理が甘くなり、天保3年(1832年)ころには、堤通りへ竹や木が植えられ雑木林の様になり、また、屋敷の様に堤を囲い、家作や荷 蔵を造作し、川岸場の便利に利用したり、作付けのための小段とその他を掘り返し、苗木を植え付けたり、野菜などの栽培もするようになりました。

この後、時代は江戸から明治へと移り変わり、明治9年6月4日に明治天皇の東北巡幸の際に築堤工事を閲覧するため、権現堂堤の上にかごを止めさせ、金100 円が下賜された。村の人々がこのお礼に、堤の名を行幸堤としたい旨を奏上し許しを得た。また巡幸を記念して、この周辺を行幸村と称するようにした。

この頃、権現堂堤周辺は、見渡す限り平野で、堤上からは西に富士山、東に筑波と眺めがよく、大正6年に刊行された後上辰雄氏によれば、権現堂堤の風光として 次のように記しています。「春は若草のしとね青きを素足に心地快くふむで、眼下一面黄金と光る油菜の花をながめながら蝶と戯れスミレ・タンポポ・ツクシ等 と摘み草に一日の暮れるのを忘れるだらう」


