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Privacy policy

On the Prefectural Gongendo Park website [(hereinafter referred to as “this site”),
we collect the information of everyone who uses this site to the extent necessary for the smooth operation of the services we provide (information provision on the website, reception of various questions, etc.). The collected information will be handled appropriately within the scope of the purpose of use.

Scope of information collected

This site collects information such as Internet domain names, IP addresses, and browsing history of this site in the form of access logs.

About cookies
A cookie is information that is sent from the server to the user’s browser and stored on the user’s computer so that the site provider can identify the user’s computer. We can collect information such as the number of times you visit your computer and the pages you visit.
We do not use cookies to collect any information that can identify individual users.

In addition, the cookie function can be disabled by the user’s browser settings.
This site does not use cookies, so disabling the cookie function will not affect the use of this site.
We may ask you to register your user attributes when it is necessary due to the nature of the matter, such as accepting applications for participation in publicity events, conducting questionnaires, etc.

Purpose of use

The collected information will be used as a reference for the smooth operation of the services provided by this site.
The collected information will be used only when necessary for the smooth implementation of the public relations event.

Restrictions on use and provision

We will not use the collected information for purposes other than the purpose of use or provide it to third parties. (Excluding cases where there is a disclosure request based on laws and regulations, cases where there are illegal acts such as unauthorized access or threats, and cases where there are other special reasons.)
However, statistically processed access information of this site, information such as user attributes, etc. may be made public.

Safety measures

We will take necessary measures to prevent leakage, loss or damage of collected information and to properly manage collected information.
In addition, we may outsource the analysis of access status to this site and the opinions received, etc. to an external party that we deem necessary for business, but even in that case, the outsourcing party is obligated to properly manage the collected information.

Applicable range

This privacy policy applies only to this site.


Prefectural Gongendo Park may revise the above privacy policy.
In case of revision, we will inform you on this homepage.
In addition, please note that opinions received on this site may be posted on this site, as well as pamphlets and reports issued by Prefectural Gongendo Park.
Even in that case, we do not include information that can identify individuals.

Inquiries about privacy policy

170 SotoGouma, Satte City, Gongendo Park Management Office (Park No. 2)
TEL: 0480-53-8787 FAX: 0480-53-8863

170 SotoGouma, Satte City, Gongendo Park Management Office (Park No. 2)
TEL: 0480-53-8787
FAX: 0480-53-8863








このころになると、堤の管理が甘くなり、天保3年(1832年)ころには、堤通りへ竹や木が植えられ雑木林の様になり、また、屋敷の様に堤を囲い、家作や荷 蔵を造作し、川岸場の便利に利用したり、作付けのための小段とその他を掘り返し、苗木を植え付けたり、野菜などの栽培もするようになりました。

この後、時代は江戸から明治へと移り変わり、明治9年6月4日に明治天皇の東北巡幸の際に築堤工事を閲覧するため、権現堂堤の上にかごを止めさせ、金100 円が下賜された。村の人々がこのお礼に、堤の名を行幸堤としたい旨を奏上し許しを得た。また巡幸を記念して、この周辺を行幸村と称するようにした。

この頃、権現堂堤周辺は、見渡す限り平野で、堤上からは西に富士山、東に筑波と眺めがよく、大正6年に刊行された後上辰雄氏によれば、権現堂堤の風光として 次のように記しています。「春は若草のしとね青きを素足に心地快くふむで、眼下一面黄金と光る油菜の花をながめながら蝶と戯れスミレ・タンポポ・ツクシ等 と摘み草に一日の暮れるのを忘れるだらう」


